O Squid para a plataforma Linux é o mais usado no mundo. Uma versão do Squid também está disponível para Windows, o Squid-NT. Infelizmente ele ainda tem muitas limitações se comparado a versão original para Linux, mas funciona legal para bloquear alguns sites por exemplo.
Essa solução funciona no Windows 2003 Server. No Windows XP funciona mas só localmente.
Bom, nesse breve tutorial vamos mostrar como bloquear sites por domínio e por palavras.
A versão mais atual e estável você pode baixar aqui. Vamos usar a versão 2.6 Standard, sem suporte a SSL.
Descompacte o arquivo para C:\. Nosso diretório será C:\squid\.
Para criar o serviço vá ao prompt de comando e entre na pasta C:\squid\sbin.
Digite o seguinte comando:
squid –i –n Squid
Squid foi o nome dado ao serviço. Poderia ser qualquer nome.
Vá no diretório C:\squid\etc\ e renomeie os arquivos squid.conf.default e mine.conf.default para squid.conf e mine.conf. O arquivo squid.conf é utilizado para configurar o Squid.
Para criar os diretórios de cache digite o comando:
squid -z
Feito isso vamos iniciar o serviço.
1 - Vá em Iniciar->Executar e digite services.msc.
2 - Procure o serviço Squid (ou o nome que você deu a ele) como mostrado na imagem abaixo.3 - Dê 2 cliques sobre ele e configure o tipo de inicialização para automático e clique em iniciar. como na figura abaixo.
Bloqueando os sites:
Baixe aqui os arquivos de configuração, o squid.conf e dois outros arquivos com a lista de palavras e domínios bloqueados e outro com extensões para proibir o download de determinados arquivos.
Descompacte esses arquivos para o diretório C:\squid\etc\. Lembre-se de fazer um backup do arquivo squid.conf já existente neste diretório.
Observe no arquivo no_sites.txt que para bloquear domínios usa-se um . na frente. Para bloquear palavras é só inserir uma palavra por linha. Observe também que odeiamos funk rs.
Feito isso reinicie o serviço através da ferramenta services.msc.
Essa foi a configuração básica que aprendemos a fazer pesquisando sobre o assunto na Internet. Quem puder contribuir com nosso post agradeceremos muito.
Fiz uma modificação no arquivo de configuração. Dessa forma funcionou melhor.
Um abraço.
Squid-NT - Bloqueando sites e downloads
Posted by Douglas Nascimento on 3/17/2008 05:18:00 PM
22 comentários:
Vlw funciono direitinho ...agora vcs podiao por um tutorial pqra estalaçao do SARG para windows
Douglas achei muito show o squid para windows, porém não consigo startar o squid ele da um erro dizendo: the squid service on local computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the performance logs and alerts service.
Será que vc tem alguma dica para que eu comece a usar o squid?
Agradeço desde já.
Boa tarde
Segui todos os passos, mas não sei o que deu de errado pois o serviço não quer iniciar. Até o momento em que tive que reiniciar o serviço tudo estava correndo bem, logo após ter descompactado os arquivos squid.cong, no_site.txt e no_extensions.txt, tentei iniciar o serviço e o Server 2003 RC2 me avisa de que o serviço foi iniciado e foi interrompido por não ter trabalho a fazer (???)
Alguém tem uma pista do que seja?
Misael da Costa Homem
Olá Misael, desculpe a demora em responder. Existe um arquivo de log que o squid atualiza sempre que o serviço é iniciado, ou tenta iniciar chamado cache.log. ele está localizado no diretório C:\squid\squid\var\logs. Sugiro que você dê uma olhada nele para ver em que momento a inicialização do serviço falhou. Normalmente isso é um problema de porta. Se for o caso é só trocar a porta no arquivo squid.conf.
Precisando de mais ajuda estamos ai. Um abraço
Bom não sei onde foi meu erro, mais é seguinte.
Fui usar o "squid -z" e deu o seguinte erro.
"C:\squid\sbin> squid -z
FATAL: Could not determine fully qualified hostname. Plase set 'visible_hostname'
Squid Cache Version 2.6 STABLE21: Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.047 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.016 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 2004 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 524
abnormal program termination"
Aonde foi que eu errei?
Ah meu e-mail é thiago.woloszin@gmail.com
Primeiramente obrigado pela visita ao nosso blog.
Verifique no seu arquivo squid.conf se a tag visible_hostname está especificada. Caso não exista, insira essa linha no final do squid.conf:
visible_hostname squidnt (squidnt será o nome do seu servidor proxy, se desejar pode por outro nome)
Um abraço
Bom dia Thiago, pode perguntar mesmo porque assim todo mundo aprende mais =]
O arquivo squid.conf exemplo que está no post contém as seguintes linhas:
# Beagle Network
http_port 3128
cache_mem 64 MB
cache_dir ufs c:/squid/var/cache 100 16 256
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
# coloque o ip e a mascara de rede da sua rede
acl todalared src
# aqui é definida as acls para identificar onde estão os arquivos com a lista de sites e
# arquivos proibidos.
acl bloqueados url_regex "c:\squid\etc\no_sites.txt"
acl listaextencoes urlpath_regex "c:\squid\etc\no_extension.txt"
# Especifica onde estão os arquivos de erro
# esses arquivos tem a estrutura em HTML e podem ser personalizados
error_directory c:/squid/share/errors/Portuguese
# Define as regras
# o ! representa negação
http_access allow manager localhost !bloqueados
http_access allow !bloqueados
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny all
logfile_rotate 7
visible_hostname svsquid (esta é a linha, insira ela no final do seu squid.conf)
Se mesmo assim não funcionar, post ou envie pra gente seu aquivo de log C:\squid\var\logs\cache.log pra gente tentar resolver isso juntos.
Um abraço
Bom dia.
Deu certo o arquivo que vc me mandou, mais tou tentando bloquear os sites, mais deu um erro.
Ele não quer mais iniciar o Squid.
Ele fala o seguinte.
"O serviço Squid em Computador local foi iniciado e interrompido. Alguns serviços são interrompidos automaticamente quando não tem trabalho a fazer, como o serviço de Logs e alertas de desempenho."
Me diga se eu to fazendo certo, da uma olhada aonde eu mexi.
# coloque o ip e a mascara de rede da sua rede
acl todalared src
http_access deny orkut
http_access deny .galinhas.com.br
http_access deny pornografia
# aqui é definida as acls para identificar onde estão os arquivos com a lista de sites e
# arquivos proibidos.
acl bloqueados url_regex "c:\squid\etc\no_sites.txt"
acl listaextencoes urlpath_regex "c:\squid\etc\no_extension.txt""
gostei funciona mesmo muito grato
Opa, gostaria de uma explicaçãozinha:
Pelo que estou entendendo do que estou lendo, após a instalação e configuração do squid em um servidor, o que as demais estações da rede precisam fazer?
Teria que ir no IE e direcionar o proxy para o IP do server?
Ou tem um jeito de ser transparente, ou seja, de não ter que mexer em nada nas estações do pessoal ?
Abraços . . .
Minha dúvida é, eu tenho 2 placas de rede em meu Win XP, 1 ligada diretamente ao modem, e a outra no hub, irei instalar o squid, sempre fazendo a configuração direcionada a placa de rede ligada ao HUB, certo? e como faço para direcionar todas as solicitações de uma porta a outra?? no linux uso iptables, porém meu cliente não quer disponibilizar $$ para comprar de um outro hardware, e esse que estou usado precisa continuar em uso.
Não está dando, sempre que vou iniciar o serviço ele da que o serviço foi interrompido.
Qual deve ser o problema?
Bom dia Guilherme, primeiramente valeu por deixar seu comentário.
Bom, no Windows XP, nas vezes que tentei configurar o Squid-NT como servidor proxy, não funcionou. Só funcionou localmente. É preciso instala-lo no Windows 2003.
Depois de instalado e configurado o squid, o servidor proxy da sua rede vai ser identificado pelo IP da sua interface ligada ao hub mesmo.
A solução para fazer essa troca de pacotes entre as duas interfaces é transformar a sua máquina em roteador. Adicione uma rota para o modem, que será pela interface ligada a ele, e uma rota para a sua rede.
Para adicionar as rotas use o comando route:
route add x.x.x.x mask x.x.x.x y.y.y.y (y é o gateway para qual interface será direcionado)
espero ter ajudado Guilherme. qualquer dúvida estamos ae =]
Olá amigo,
Existe um arquivo de log que o squid atualiza sempre que o serviço é iniciado, ou tenta iniciar chamado cache.log. Ele está localizado no diretório C:\squid\squid\var\logs. Sugiro que você dê uma olhada nele para ver em que momento a inicialização do serviço falhou. Normalmente isso é um problema de porta. Se for o caso é só trocar a porta no arquivo squid.conf.
Precisando de mais ajuda estamos ai.
Posta o conteudo do arquivo aqui pra gente.
Um abraço
Bom vou postar aqui o arquivo de cache.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Service command line is:
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Process ID 3020
2008/09/27 13:05:10| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/27 13:05:10| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/27 13:05:10| DNS Socket created at, port 1308, FD 5
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/27 13:05:10| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (DIRTY)
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 12.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 13.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 14.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 15.
2008/09/27 13:05:10| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| Done scanning c:/squid/var/cache (0 entries)
2008/09/27 13:05:11| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/27 13:05:11| Took 1.0 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/27 13:05:11| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/27 13:05:11| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/27 13:05:11| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/27 13:05:11| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/27 13:05:12| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/27 15:06:50| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/27 15:06:50| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/27 15:06:50| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/27 15:06:50| FD 12 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/27 15:06:50| Shutting down...
2008/09/27 15:06:50| FD 13 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/27 15:06:50| FD 14 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/27 15:06:50| FD 15 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/27 15:06:50| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/27 15:06:51| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/27 15:06:51| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/27 15:06:51| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.516 seconds = 0.063 user + 0.453 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 5032 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1755
2008/09/27 15:06:51| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Service command line is:
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Process ID 1004
2008/09/28 12:31:43| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/28 12:31:43| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/28 12:31:43| DNS Socket created at, port 1026, FD 5
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/28 12:31:43| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/28 12:31:43| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/28 12:31:48| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/28 12:31:48| Took 5.1 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/28 12:31:48| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/28 12:31:48| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/28 12:31:48| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/28 12:31:48| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/28 12:31:49| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/28 13:57:51| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/28 13:57:52| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/28 13:57:52| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/28 13:57:52| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/28 13:57:52| Shutting down...
2008/09/28 13:57:52| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/28 13:57:52| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/28 13:57:52| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/28 13:57:52| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/28 13:57:52| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/28 13:57:53| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/28 13:57:53| Took 0.3 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.234 seconds = 0.094 user + 0.141 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 4232 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1792
2008/09/28 13:57:53| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Process ID 112
2008/09/29 08:17:07| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 08:17:07| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 08:17:07| DNS Socket created at, port 1027, FD 5
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 08:17:07| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 08:17:07| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 08:17:14| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 08:17:14| Took 7.4 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 08:17:14| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 08:17:14| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 08:17:14| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 08:17:14| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 08:17:15| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:20:56| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 09:20:57| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 09:20:57| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 09:20:57| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 09:20:57| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 09:20:57| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 09:20:57| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 09:20:57| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 09:20:57| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:20:57| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 09:20:57| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 09:20:57| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.172 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.141 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 4132 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1760
2008/09/29 09:20:57| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Process ID 2640
2008/09/29 09:21:00| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:21:00| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 09:21:00| DNS Socket created at, port 1474, FD 5
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 09:21:00| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Took 0.4 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:21:00| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 09:21:00| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 09:21:01| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:24:58| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 09:24:59| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 09:24:59| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 09:24:59| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 09:24:59| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 09:24:59| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 09:24:59| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 09:24:59| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 09:24:59| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:24:59| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 09:24:59| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 09:24:59| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.141 seconds = 0.016 user + 0.125 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6464 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1636
2008/09/29 09:24:59| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Process ID 3488
2008/09/29 09:25:02| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:25:02| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 09:25:02| DNS Socket created at, port 1486, FD 5
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 09:25:02| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:25:02| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 09:25:02| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 09:25:03| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:39:30| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 09:39:31| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 09:39:31| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 09:39:31| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 09:39:31| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 09:39:31| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 09:39:31| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 09:39:31| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 09:39:31| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:39:31| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 09:39:31| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 09:39:31| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.078 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.047 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6472 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1639
2008/09/29 09:39:31| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Process ID 1240
2008/09/29 09:39:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:39:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 09:39:32| DNS Socket created at, port 1620, FD 5
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 09:39:32| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Took 0.2 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:39:32| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 09:39:32| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 09:39:33| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:42:33| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 09:42:34| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 09:42:34| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 09:42:34| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 09:42:34| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 09:42:34| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 09:42:34| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 09:42:34| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 09:42:34| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:42:34| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 09:42:34| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 09:42:34| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.078 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.047 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6468 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1637
2008/09/29 09:42:34| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Process ID 3192
2008/09/29 09:42:35| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:42:35| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 09:42:35| DNS Socket created at, port 1652, FD 5
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 09:42:35| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Took 0.3 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:42:35| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 09:42:35| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 09:42:36| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:44:57| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 09:44:58| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 09:44:58| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 09:44:58| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 09:44:58| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 09:44:58| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 09:44:58| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 09:44:58| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 09:44:58| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:44:58| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 09:44:58| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 09:44:58| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.078 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.047 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6480 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1646
2008/09/29 09:44:58| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Process ID 492
2008/09/29 09:45:48| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:45:48| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 09:45:48| DNS Socket created at, port 1026, FD 5
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 09:45:48| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 09:45:48| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 09:45:59| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 09:45:59| Took 10.6 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 09:45:59| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:45:59| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 09:45:59| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 09:45:59| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 09:46:00| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 10:14:46| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 10:14:47| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 10:14:47| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 10:14:47| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 10:14:48| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 10:14:48| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 10:14:48| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 10:14:48| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 10:14:48| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 10:14:48| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 10:14:48| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 10:14:48| Took 0.1 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.125 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.094 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 1820 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1856
2008/09/29 10:14:48| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Process ID 1484
2008/09/29 10:49:55| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 10:49:55| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 10:49:55| DNS Socket created at, port 1372, FD 5
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 10:49:55| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Took 0.2 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 10:49:55| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 10:49:55| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 10:49:56| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 10:50:21| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 10:50:22| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 10:50:22| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 10:50:22| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 10:50:22| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 10:50:22| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 10:50:22| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 10:50:22| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 10:50:22| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 10:50:22| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 10:50:22| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 10:50:22| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.094 seconds = 0.094 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6484 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1641
2008/09/29 10:50:22| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Process ID 1620
2008/09/29 10:51:17| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 10:51:17| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 10:51:17| DNS Socket created at, port 1375, FD 5
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 10:51:17| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Took 0.1 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 10:51:17| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 10:51:17| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 10:51:18| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 12:26:00| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 12:26:01| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 12:26:01| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 12:26:01| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 12:26:01| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 12:26:01| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 12:26:01| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 12:26:01| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 12:26:01| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 12:26:02| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 12:26:02| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 12:26:02| Took 0.1 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.047 seconds = 0.047 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6476 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1645
2008/09/29 12:26:02| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Process ID 600
2008/09/29 13:37:24| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 13:37:24| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 13:37:24| DNS Socket created at, port 1029, FD 5
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 13:37:24| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 13:37:24| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 13:37:39| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 13:37:39| Took 14.6 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 13:37:39| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 13:37:39| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 13:37:39| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 13:37:39| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 13:37:40| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:24:35| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 17:24:36| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 17:24:36| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 17:24:36| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 17:24:36| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 17:24:36| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 17:24:36| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 17:24:36| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 17:24:36| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:24:36| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 17:24:36| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 17:24:36| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.250 seconds = 0.063 user + 0.188 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 3016 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1952
2008/09/29 17:24:36| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Process ID 2160
2008/09/29 17:24:37| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:24:37| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 17:24:37| DNS Socket created at, port 1491, FD 5
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 17:24:37| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 17:24:37| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 17:24:38| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 17:24:38| Took 0.3 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 17:24:38| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:24:38| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:24:38| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 17:24:38| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 17:24:38| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:27:14| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 17:27:15| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 17:27:15| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 17:27:15| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 17:27:15| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 17:27:15| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 17:27:15| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 17:27:15| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 17:27:15| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:27:15| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 17:27:15| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 17:27:15| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.141 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.109 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6488 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1642
2008/09/29 17:27:15| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Process ID 3464
2008/09/29 17:27:16| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:27:16| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 17:27:16| DNS Socket created at, port 1511, FD 5
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 17:27:16| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Took 0.1 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:27:16| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 17:27:16| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 17:27:17| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:28:34| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 17:28:35| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 17:28:35| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 17:28:35| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 17:28:35| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:28:35| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.063 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.031 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6472 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1638
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Process ID 2080
2008/09/29 17:28:35| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:28:35| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 17:28:35| DNS Socket created at, port 1530, FD 5
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 17:28:35| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Took 0.1 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:28:35| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 17:28:35| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 17:28:36| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:33:08| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 17:33:09| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 17:33:09| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 17:33:09| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 17:33:09| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 17:33:09| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 17:33:09| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 17:33:09| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 17:33:09| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:33:10| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 17:33:10| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 17:33:10| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.047 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.016 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6480 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1646
2008/09/29 17:33:10| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Service command line is:
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Process ID 512
2008/09/29 17:36:42| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:36:42| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/29 17:36:42| DNS Socket created at, port 1026, FD 5
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/29 17:36:42| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/29 17:36:42| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/29 17:36:52| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/29 17:36:52| Took 10.3 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/29 17:36:52| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:36:52| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/29 17:36:52| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/29 17:36:52| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/29 17:36:53| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/29 18:11:40| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/29 18:11:41| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/29 18:11:41| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/29 18:11:41| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/29 18:11:41| Shutting down...
2008/09/29 18:11:41| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/29 18:11:41| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/29 18:11:41| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/29 18:11:41| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/29 18:11:41| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/29 18:11:41| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/29 18:11:41| Took 0.2 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.141 seconds = 0.016 user + 0.125 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6512 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1658
2008/09/29 18:11:41| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/30 08:23:56| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 08:23:56| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 08:23:56| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 08:23:56| Process ID 1964
2008/09/30 08:23:56| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 08:23:56| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 08:23:56| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 08:23:56| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 08:23:56| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Process ID 2796
2008/09/30 08:26:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 08:26:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/30 08:26:32| DNS Socket created at, port 1034, FD 5
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/30 08:26:32| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/30 08:26:32| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/30 08:26:38| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/30 08:26:38| Took 5.3 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/30 08:26:38| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 08:26:38| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 08:26:38| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/30 08:26:38| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/30 08:26:39| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/30 11:59:53| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/30 11:59:53| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/30 11:59:53| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/30 11:59:53| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/30 11:59:54| Shutting down...
2008/09/30 11:59:54| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/30 11:59:54| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/30 11:59:54| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/30 11:59:54| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/30 11:59:54| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/30 11:59:55| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/30 11:59:55| Took 0.2 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.203 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.172 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 3964 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1819
2008/09/30 11:59:55| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Process ID 584
2008/09/30 13:34:57| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 13:34:57| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/30 13:34:57| DNS Socket created at, port 1026, FD 5
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/30 13:34:57| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/30 13:34:57| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/30 13:35:03| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/30 13:35:03| Took 5.9 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/30 13:35:03| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 13:35:03| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 13:35:03| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/30 13:35:03| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/30 13:35:04| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/30 13:55:39| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/30 13:55:40| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/30 13:55:40| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/30 13:55:40| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/30 13:55:40| Shutting down...
2008/09/30 13:55:40| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/30 13:55:40| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/30 13:55:40| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/30 13:55:40| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/30 13:55:40| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/30 13:55:40| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/30 13:55:40| Took 0.1 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.219 seconds = 0.016 user + 0.203 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 4096 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1783
2008/09/30 13:55:40| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Process ID 3988
2008/09/30 13:56:22| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 13:56:22| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/30 13:56:22| DNS Socket created at, port 1141, FD 5
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/30 13:56:22| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Took 0.3 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 13:56:22| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/30 13:56:22| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/30 13:56:23| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/30 13:56:25| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/30 13:56:26| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/30 13:56:26| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/30 13:56:26| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/30 13:56:26| Shutting down...
2008/09/30 13:56:26| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/30 13:56:26| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/30 13:56:26| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/30 13:56:26| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/30 13:56:26| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/30 13:56:26| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/30 13:56:26| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.047 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.016 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6472 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1638
2008/09/30 13:56:26| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Process ID 3752
2008/09/30 14:09:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 14:09:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/30 14:09:32| DNS Socket created at, port 1202, FD 5
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/30 14:09:32| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/30 14:09:32| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/30 14:09:33| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/30 14:09:33| Took 0.7 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/30 14:09:33| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 14:09:33| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 14:09:33| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/30 14:09:33| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/30 14:09:33| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/30 14:14:56| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Shutting down...
2008/09/30 14:14:56| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/30 14:14:56| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/30 14:14:56| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/30 14:14:56| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.047 seconds = 0.047 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6472 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1638
2008/09/30 14:14:56| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Process ID 3044
2008/09/30 14:22:58| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 14:22:58| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/09/30 14:22:58| DNS Socket created at, port 1261, FD 5
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Adding domain from Registry
2008/09/30 14:22:58| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Loaded Icons.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/09/30 14:22:58| Ready to serve requests.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/09/30 14:22:59| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 Entries scanned
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 Objects expired.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/09/30 14:22:59| Took 0.7 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/09/30 14:22:59| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 14:22:59| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/09/30 14:22:59| Validated 0 Entries
2008/09/30 14:22:59| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/09/30 14:22:59| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/09/30 14:24:20| Leaving Squid service
2008/09/30 14:24:21| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/09/30 14:24:21| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/09/30 14:24:21| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/09/30 14:24:21| Shutting down...
2008/09/30 14:24:21| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/09/30 14:24:21| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/09/30 14:24:21| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/09/30 14:24:21| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/09/30 14:24:21| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/09/30 14:24:21| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/09/30 14:24:21| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.078 seconds = 0.016 user + 0.063 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 6464 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1636
2008/09/30 14:24:21| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
2008/09/30 18:21:54| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:21:54| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:21:54| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:21:54| Process ID 1880
2008/09/30 18:21:54| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:21:54| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:21:54| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:21:54| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:21:54| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:24:31| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:24:31| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:24:31| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:24:31| Process ID 3080
2008/09/30 18:24:31| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:24:31| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:24:31| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:24:31| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:24:31| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:25:31| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:25:31| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:25:31| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:25:31| Process ID 3796
2008/09/30 18:25:31| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:25:31| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:25:31| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:25:31| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:25:31| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:26:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:26:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:26:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:26:32| Process ID 876
2008/09/30 18:26:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:26:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:26:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:26:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:26:32| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:27:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:27:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:27:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:27:32| Process ID 3016
2008/09/30 18:27:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:27:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:27:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:27:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:27:32| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:28:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:28:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:28:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:28:32| Process ID 3900
2008/09/30 18:28:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:28:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:28:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:28:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:28:32| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:29:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:29:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:29:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:29:32| Process ID 2416
2008/09/30 18:29:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:29:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:29:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:29:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:29:32| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:30:32| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:30:32| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:30:32| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:30:32| Process ID 3096
2008/09/30 18:30:32| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:30:32| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:30:32| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:30:32| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:30:32| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:31:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:31:33| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:31:33| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:31:33| Process ID 3816
2008/09/30 18:31:33| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:31:33| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:31:33| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:31:33| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:31:33| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:32:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:32:33| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:32:33| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:32:33| Process ID 2184
2008/09/30 18:32:33| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:32:33| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:32:33| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:32:33| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:32:33| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:33:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:33:33| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:33:33| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:33:33| Process ID 2872
2008/09/30 18:33:33| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:33:33| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:33:33| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:33:33| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:33:33| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:34:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:34:33| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:34:33| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:34:33| Process ID 3564
2008/09/30 18:34:33| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:34:33| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:34:33| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:34:33| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:34:33| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:35:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:35:33| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:35:33| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:35:33| Process ID 1588
2008/09/30 18:35:33| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:35:33| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:35:33| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:35:33| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:35:33| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:36:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:36:33| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:36:33| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:36:33| Process ID 2516
2008/09/30 18:36:33| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:36:33| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:36:33| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:36:33| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:36:33| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:37:34| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:37:34| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:37:34| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:37:34| Process ID 3320
2008/09/30 18:37:34| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:37:34| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:37:34| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:37:34| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:37:34| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:38:34| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:38:34| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:38:34| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:38:34| Process ID 4040
2008/09/30 18:38:34| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:38:34| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:38:34| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:38:34| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:38:34| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:39:34| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:39:34| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:39:34| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:39:34| Process ID 1912
2008/09/30 18:39:34| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:39:34| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:39:34| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:39:34| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:39:34| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:40:34| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:40:34| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:40:34| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:40:34| Process ID 3100
2008/09/30 18:40:34| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:40:34| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:40:34| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:40:34| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:40:34| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:41:34| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:41:34| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:41:34| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:41:34| Process ID 3768
2008/09/30 18:41:34| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:41:34| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:41:34| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:41:34| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:41:34| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:42:34| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:42:34| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:42:34| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:42:34| Process ID 1828
2008/09/30 18:42:34| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:42:34| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:42:34| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:42:34| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:42:34| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:43:34| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:43:34| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:43:34| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:43:34| Process ID 2840
2008/09/30 18:43:34| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:43:34| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:43:34| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:43:34| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:43:34| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:44:35| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:44:35| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:44:35| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:44:35| Process ID 3480
2008/09/30 18:44:35| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:44:35| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:44:35| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:44:35| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:44:35| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:45:35| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:45:35| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:45:35| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:45:35| Process ID 4072
2008/09/30 18:45:35| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:45:35| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:45:35| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:45:35| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:45:35| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:46:35| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:46:35| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:46:35| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:46:35| Process ID 2476
2008/09/30 18:46:35| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:46:35| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:46:35| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:46:35| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:46:35| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:52:52| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:52:52| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:52:52| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:52:52| Process ID 1832
2008/09/30 18:52:52| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:52:52| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:52:52| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:52:52| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:52:52| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:55:29| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:55:29| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:55:29| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:55:29| Process ID 3320
2008/09/30 18:55:29| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:55:29| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:55:29| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:55:29| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:55:29| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/09/30 18:56:29| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/09/30 18:56:29| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/09/30 18:56:29| Service command line is:
2008/09/30 18:56:29| Process ID 1140
2008/09/30 18:56:29| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:56:29| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/09/30 18:56:29| Windows sockets initialized
2008/09/30 18:56:29| Using select for the IO loop
2008/09/30 18:56:29| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/10/01 08:12:11| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/10/01 08:12:11| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/10/01 08:12:11| Service command line is:
2008/10/01 08:12:11| Process ID 1920
2008/10/01 08:12:11| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:12:11| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:12:11| Windows sockets initialized
2008/10/01 08:12:11| Using select for the IO loop
2008/10/01 08:12:11| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/10/01 08:14:47| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/10/01 08:14:47| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/10/01 08:14:47| Service command line is:
2008/10/01 08:14:47| Process ID 3184
2008/10/01 08:14:47| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:14:47| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:14:47| Windows sockets initialized
2008/10/01 08:14:47| Using select for the IO loop
2008/10/01 08:14:47| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/10/01 08:15:47| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/10/01 08:15:47| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/10/01 08:15:47| Service command line is:
2008/10/01 08:15:47| Process ID 3896
2008/10/01 08:15:47| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:15:47| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:15:47| Windows sockets initialized
2008/10/01 08:15:47| Using select for the IO loop
2008/10/01 08:15:47| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/10/01 08:16:47| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/10/01 08:16:47| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/10/01 08:16:47| Service command line is:
2008/10/01 08:16:47| Process ID 2432
2008/10/01 08:16:47| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:16:47| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:16:47| Windows sockets initialized
2008/10/01 08:16:47| Using select for the IO loop
2008/10/01 08:16:47| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/10/01 08:17:47| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/10/01 08:17:47| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/10/01 08:17:47| Service command line is:
2008/10/01 08:17:47| Process ID 3224
2008/10/01 08:17:47| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:17:47| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:17:47| Windows sockets initialized
2008/10/01 08:17:47| Using select for the IO loop
2008/10/01 08:17:47| Performing DNS Tests...
FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE21 for i686-pc-winnt...
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows XP
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Service command line is:
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Process ID 2824
2008/10/01 08:18:48| With 2048 file descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:18:48| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Windows sockets initialized
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Using select for the IO loop
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Performing DNS Tests...
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2008/10/01 08:18:48| DNS Socket created at, port 1049, FD 5
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Adding DHCP nameserver from Registry
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Adding domain from Registry
2008/10/01 08:18:48| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Referer logging is disabled.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 7
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Swap maxSize 102400 + 65536 KB, estimated 0 objects
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Target number of buckets: 645
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Using 8192 Store buckets
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Max Mem size: 65536 KB
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN)
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Using Least Load store dir selection
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Loaded Icons.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 14.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 15.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 16.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Ready to serve requests.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries)
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 Entries scanned
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 Invalid entries.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 With invalid flags.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 Objects loaded.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 Objects expired.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 Objects cancelled.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Took 0.4 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec).
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Beginning Validation Procedure
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Completed Validation Procedure
2008/10/01 08:18:48| Validated 0 Entries
2008/10/01 08:18:48| store_swap_size = 0k
2008/10/01 08:18:49| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2008/10/01 11:38:00| Leaving Squid service
2008/10/01 11:38:01| Preparing for shutdown after 0 requests
2008/10/01 11:38:01| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
2008/10/01 11:38:01| FD 13 Closing HTTP connection
2008/10/01 11:38:01| Shutting down...
2008/10/01 11:38:01| FD 14 Closing ICP connection
2008/10/01 11:38:01| FD 15 Closing HTCP socket
2008/10/01 11:38:01| FD 16 Closing SNMP socket
2008/10/01 11:38:01| Closing unlinkd pipe on FD 7
2008/10/01 11:38:01| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2008/10/01 11:38:01| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2008/10/01 11:38:01| Took 0.0 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec).
CPU Usage: 0.109 seconds = 0.031 user + 0.078 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 3704 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 1835
2008/10/01 11:38:01| Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Exiting normally.
Então o que posso fazer?
Bom dia Thiago,
desculpe por demorar em responder. Pelo que parece o problema é quanto ao seu servidor dns. Eu fiz um teste aqui na minha máquina, configurei minha máquina com o squid para apontar para um servidor dns que não existe. O resultado foi o mesmo erro que está dando na sua máquina. Verifique se o ip do seu servidor dns não mudou e tente reconfigurar sua interface de rede.
Um abração e boas festas
porque esta configuracao esta bloqueando o orkut, ja fiz de tudo ate tirei todos os site bloqueado e nada o orkut nao abre?
Fiquei um tempo sem utilizar o Squid, e agora preciso usar, mas não lembro como configuro o Navegador para usar ele.
Se alguém puder me ajudar agradeço.
"Anônimo disse...
porque esta configuracao esta bloqueando o orkut, ja fiz de tudo ate tirei todos os site bloqueado e nada o orkut nao abre?"
Cara da uma conferida, mas ele está bloqueando apenas o orkut, ou ele bloqueia demais sites?
Poste aqui o Log do Squid para averiguarmos o problema, caso não tenha sido ainda resolvido.
tenta baixar outra versão. no meu caso usando o windows server 2008 r2 funcionou a versão 2.7. espero ter ajudado ate mais!
Rode o CMD como administrador!!!
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Obrigado por sua contribuição!!! E continue nos visitando!!!!